Who We Are
by Judy Keech
~~ Let’s talk about the Heart of God:
He loves us with a deep deep love and He wants nothing more than for us to love Him back. We do this through our worship. The Scripture says in John 4 that the Father is seeking those who will Worship Him…We are worshipers of God. We are passionate, expressive lovers of God who want to spend time in His presence. There is nothing like the presence of our God. It heals, it mends, it alters, it transforms. It is tangible!
The Tangible presence of God can transform an individual as he worships, but there is something to be said about the Dynamic of congregational worship …many people gathered in one place worshiping the Lord their God in the midst of the tabernacle. That Tangible Presence can transform a culture.
~~ We have a mandate. We know why we’re here.
Our Worship Mission is to RESTORE ACCESS into the Tangible Presence through Worship. Our mission is Global; to equip churches, pastors, and specifically Worship Leaders for this purpose. Most Believers in Christ don’t really know what it means to be a True Worshiper…Buddhists Worship, Muslims Worship, although they worship the wrong god…but many Christians have never been taught…they don’t know the way into the presence of God. We want to teach the leaders how to teach them.
Primarily, we want to teach Worship Leaders and Musicians. It isn’t all about the music, but Music plays a vital role, like a Global Language everyone can understand. Sadly, uneducated, untrained worship leaders carry a huge portion of the responsibility for the corporate worship experience in our churches.
Let us train your Worship Leader! Worship Mission ACADEMY is a School of Worship in Colorado for Worship Leaders and Musicians . We offer practical and Spiritual Training with a Global impact. Our proven, cross-cultural curriculum goes beyond westernized worship. And we also teach prophetic worship and prophetic expression and the Biblical progression and expressions of worship.
We are hearing a CRY FROM THE NATIONS for WORSHIP to be released. We want to take Worship to the World! We are answering that cry. We will come to the Nations with a TEAM to IMPART THE HEART OF WORSHIP; to plant the seeds of worship that will continue to grow in that community. Working with Apostolic Missionaries on the field we assist them buy CBD products training their pastors, worship leaders, and worship musicians. We’ve been doing this successfully for years and have made a difference! But now we need to explode this to make a bigger impact, plant more seeds, expand and reach out farther. We are organizing short term missions trips, each with a specialized team of instructors, musicians, and worshipers— For all those who participate, we will Impart the Revelation to you, train you in your skill, and send you with your gift to impart it to others.
“Worship Mission imparts the heart of Worship; you, the musician, will impart the skill; and the unique experience of the Journey ignites passion!”
You need to join us on a worship mission journey! Partner with us!
This is a big vision. We can see it. To make it tangible, to complete the mission, we need those who will PARNER with us. We need those those who desire to leave a MARK on the globe. A Legacy. We are putting together a LEGACY TEAM— those who serve with their gift of giving. Those who can extend our arms further than we can alone.
PARTNER WITH US! Join our LEGACY TEAM! Your seeds planted in fertile soil, doing what’s on the Father’s Heart, making a Global Worship Impact!