Kenya Report
for partnering with Worship Mission to bless Christian Ministries in Africa in February of 2020!
Our Kenyan Journey was successful in so many ways!
We give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for all His sending! We never went without knowing His presence and anointing as we had safe travels throughout. There are simply so many things to plan ahead when travelling to an exciting vacation destination. One of the most important things to determine before leaving it the type of rental car you will be selecting
Our many thanks to all of you who supported us with your prayers and financial gifts. You are truly partners in the ministry that is taking place in East Africa.
I am excited to share with you an overview of the ministry we were blessed to participate in, the gifts we were able to give, and the lives we were so humbled to touch.
Christian Ministries in Africa is doing such a great work throughout Kenya and Eastern Africa. They have a presence in 6 East African countries, including 250+ churches, 4 orphanages, and many schools. We cannot forget to thank Pastor David and Jennifer Hatley for inviting us there once again, to be part of the wonderful ministry they are doing for the people of Africa, in the heart of God!
Our primary purpose for making this trip, at the long-standing request of the Hatley’s, was to serve their network of African Church on the Rock churches by providing training for their pastors, leaders, and worship leaders on Worship and Hosting the Presence of God. We held 5 Regional WORSHIP INTENSIVES, each consisting of teaching 4 to 6 sessions, including hands-on workshop style trainings. The reviews from the many pastors and worship leaders who participated could not have been more favorable! It was a great success! (Read more about those details below.)
Our small team worked very hard to give out as much teaching and ministry as we possibly could in those few weeks. Which leads us to say a special thanks to Pastor Matt Ware and Victory Denver Church who sent their Worship Leader, Jonathan Portillo, with us. Jonathan was a tremendous addition to our team, as a worship leader, musician, and teacher, and he won over the hearts of the Kenyan people, pouring out his gift. Our other team member, Jim Hooks, is always such a huge support for us, assisting in so many ways, and always interceding.
Most of the time we stayed at the CMIA Langata Compound Guest House where we were hosted so well, treated with such honor, and made to feel relaxed and well cared for. Thank you to our chef, Felix, for the deliciously prepared meals! (We did NOT lose weight there! Ha!) And thank you, Angela, for serving our needs so well. Of course, it was a pleasure to engage with the children at the orphanage, Grace Children’s Centre in Langata. We were so impressed that the children would gather themselves together on their own initiative every night for a time of worship and prayer.
It was also our joy to contribute to CMIA Academy’s mandatory new music program in their Kenyan schools. Because of your generous gifts we were able to give them $500 toward the purchase of instruments needed for training the students. We also presented a gift of an Ovation guitar to the Head Master of the Langata school … he immediately gathered the children and began singing songs with them! These kids LOVE music and singing!
We made a bumpy, muddy road trip to visit their GCC Oloropil Compound in Masai land which includes a beautiful church, orphanage for Masai boys and girls, and a school. Six short years ago we visited there when they had only recently acquired the land, had dug a well, and were just laying foundation for the church building. Imagine our delight and amazement as we toured through the finished church building, the boys dorm, the girls dorm, the dining hall, and the school and offices. How quickly God provided for this amazing work! The orphanage there has rescued many boys and girls from ‘enslavement’ and female mutilation, which is common in the Masai culture. Please continue to pray for this ministry and the Hatley family. The tasks before them are daunting, and our prayers and financial support make a difference!
We are already discussing a return trip to Africa in 2022. Many pastors were requesting that we could come earlier than that to continue to build on the training they had just received, but it is all in the Lord’s hands. We so appreciate your devoted prayers and financial support as we continue this ministry to others here in our own country, and throughout the world, going wherever God sends us.
I am including here some of my journal notes about the details and results of each Worship Intensive we taught in Kenya. We could not have been more amazed with the responses, and advancements made by the churches that participated!
Please read on…
LANGATA WORSHIP INTENSIVE—ADVANCED (This was the 4th time I have provided worship training for this group)
Held at the “Mother Church”, Langata Church on the Rock.
- 3 Churches represented with their worship teams participating.
- Teaching on Advanced Worship Leading techniques, tips, theory, song writing, Spirit led spontaneous music and song, and how to host the Presence of God in a service.
- An incredible, spontaneous song of the Lord was birthed, and later written, and deep ministry of healing occurred through what came out at our prophetic workshop.
Testimonials: Mwakisha, main worship leader at Langata, gave much credit to their worship ministry growth over the years to the training they have received through our ministry, and accredited this recent Worship Intensive Training to bringing them to even higher levels.
- Held at Kimana Church on the Rock, close to the Tanzanian border, with Mt. Kilimanjaro as the backdrop.
- 2 days of training with 10 area churches represented with their worship teams and pastors participating.
Testimonials: The pastor there was touched and impressed with the depth of training. He requested copies of all our teaching notes.
- Held at Dandora Church on the Rock located in a very impoverished area of Nairobi, with Pastor Peter Mutuku. (This was the first church the Hatley’s founded in Kenya.)
- 1 day of training with 20 pastors, 21 worship leaders, and about 70 attending.
- Some real breakthroughs happened with this group and they absorbed a lot of teaching in just one day!
Testimonials: Pastor Peter insisted 1 day was not nearly enough, and requested we return as soon as possible for a 3 day training.
- Held at Worship Sanctuary Church on the Rock in Gitaru, with Pastor Ken Cege.
- 2 days of training with 4 churches participating with their pastors and worship teams, about 25 attending.
- We were there for the Sunday service as well, and taught the “7 Hebrew Words for Praise” to the congregation. This is an experiential workshop session, and the response and participation was as good as I have ever seen!
Testimonials: Pastor Ken was so pleased with the impartation of expression in the Spirit that came as a result of the instruction they received! He had told us the day before that he desired his congregation to grow in their expression during worship because most believers in that area tend to be reserved. Well, they were not reserved that Sunday as they participated with much vigor and excitement in expression of Praise and Worship to the Lord!
- Held at Punda Mali Church on the Rock, Nakuru, with Bishop Anthony Ndaire and Pastor David Hatley overseeing.
- This was my 4th visit to this group, however it was the first time all the pastors were included in our training sessions.
- 1 day of training with many district churches represented, 17 pastors and approximately 100 others attending.
- This was the largest gathering we had with the most churches represented, and their enthusiasm in their presentations of praise was inspiring. This was more like a worship seminar than an intensive training, so the teaching on worship was more general in nature, with less sessions.
Testimonials: Responses were good, especially from the pastors, who seemed the most charged by the teachings.
My general consensus: The 2020 trip to Kenya was a great success for Worship Mission as God used us to impart a deeper understanding and experience of worship to the African Churches on the Rock. Teaching their pastors, worship leaders and teams what it looks like to host the presence of God, follow the Spirit into the prophetic, and make some practical changes to the way they lead, will bring their people face to face with the living, life-changing, loving Father God. Miracles happen in the presence when we worship.
- Pastor Al with Bishop Anthony Ndaire at Panda Mali COTR in Nakuru.
- Al teaching at Kimana COTR Worship Intensive Training. His interpreter is Mwakaisha, who is the head Worship Leader in Langata COTR.
- This is an example of one of the more “well equipped” worship bands we encountered in Kenya. This is much more equipment than most churches have. Kimana COTR.
- Worship musicians and team members attending our Worship Training at Guitar COTR.
- Al teaching at the main church in Langata, Christian Ministries in Africa headquarters, Langata COTR worship team.
- Al teaching Worship Intensive Training session at Guitar COTR.
- Langata Church on the Rock Worship Team leaders and members.
- Jonathan Portillo (Victory Church, Denver) teaches with Al on the keys, practical worship training, at Langata COTR.
- Judy interacting with Worship Team Leaders during a session on Hosting the Presence, at Langata COTR.
- Levi Kisia, headmaster of COTR Academy receiving the guitar we gifted for the academy for their new music program. Here with some of his students.